Show stress the door
Effective Tips for Busy Professionals
Introducing a groundbreaking wellness program suited to all abilities. Unlock the power of Tai Chi techniques and embark on a journey of stress reduction and body-mind harmony. Led by a nationally acclaimed Tai Chi champion and expert instructor, this transformative program empowers participants to understand and release tension within their bodies, fostering relaxation and improved well-being. Through a carefully curated curriculum, your team will gain invaluable tools to destress, enhance focus, and bring back positivity.
Unique Stress Management
Hack the mind through the body
The problem with most stress management techniques is when you're stressed out, your mind becomes flooded and the mindfulness techniques you've learned no longer work. Shirley's Stressbender techniques teaches you to hack the mind through the body by releasing the body's tensions. Learn the same techniques Shirley has taught at Yale University, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, All Our Kin, Pitney Bowes, and more.
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A Tai Chi Class Experience
Shirley's Tai Chi classes are unlike any you've taken. Shirley trained in Tai Chi as an internal martial art at the highest level for over two decades and was the 2006 U.S. Women's National Champion. She designed a unique Tai Chi class experience that is both authentic and easy to understand. The class is suitable for all ages and abilities. Experience what it means be a stressbender.