Aiping Tai Chi Aiping Tai Chi

Welcome! Are you looking to improve your physical and mental well-being? We can help you through the traditional practices of Tai Chi and Qigong! We offer in-person classes in Milford and Fairfield, Connecticut, as well as live streaming options for those unable to attend in person. Our team is dedicated to making these ancient arts accessible and relevant to modern life. In addition to our classes, we also offer wellness programs to communities and organizations throughout Connecticut. Discover the benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong with us today!

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in-person classes In-person Classes
in-person classes Online Classes
in-person classes On-demand Lessons
In-person classes
in-person classes
Experience the group energy of an in-person class where you will always receive personalized instructions in a friendly, supportive environment.
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Online Classes
in-person classes
Our advanced online technology allows you to be a part of our group classes from the comforts of your own home without sacrificing the learning experience.
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